Rainy Day Eggs and Rice

Icky day today and a rough Monday start.  I work for Sweetery Cafe and Dessert/Seasons Catering down on 2nd ave just off Cambie.
Been with them a few years but I still struggle with waking up at 4:30am.
Sometimes getting out of bed is tough.

Today was one of those days, although most Monday’s are.

Not a crazy day but I’m enjoying the break before the Christmas rush starts. The catering end of the business starts to get incredibly busy.  Corporate events, and holiday treat orders.

This is my “lunch”  even though it’s 10am and is technically my breakfast.


Egg on rice with fresh salsa. Half a cookie and coffee.

I like egg on rice,  it’s probably one of my favourites.  I also eat a lot of eggs.  Way too many eggs.  But who can resist gorgeous runny yolk on top of anything.

I think my instagram is literally just yolk porn.

The rest of the day is prep,  then I’m off to see a dermatologist. 

I’ve had a lot of tests lately and some mild surgery,  seems my body likes precancerous growths. 

Sorry I’m feeling rambley this morning.  Can’t really organise my thoughts.  Until later!

Pear Crumble Coffee Cake, and a hello!

I’m blogging, again.

But this time It’s more laid back and all me. It’s difficult to motivate myself when I have a forced writing voice or have to stick to themes, so this shall be mainly food (since I’m a cook), recipes, reviews, and part personal diary. So, welcome! I hope you enjoy. Nice to meet you!

Extremely ripe sweet pears go well with a subtle moist cake and cinnamon oat crumble topping.

Extremely ripe sweet pears go well with a subtle moist cake and cinnamon oat crumble topping.

My parents had dumped a pile of fruit on me from the Okanagan. I like fruit. I always have good intentions, but lately I kind of neglect it to the point of “eat, freeze or throw out”.


So I thought I’d make a crumble coffee cake thing. Ok? ok!

Recipe (adapted from this, but changed my friends, oh how it’s changed):

  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 tbsp oil
  • 5 ripe ass pears, peeled, cored and cubed

Crumble Topping:
Seriously just use whatever you want, I used this.

  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/3 cup packed light-brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 6 tablespoons cold unsalted butter (cut into small pieces)

First prepare crumble topping and set aside:

In a medium bowl, mix flour, light-brown sugar, granulated sugar, and salt. With your hands, work in butter until large, moist clumps form.

Then le rest:

Preheat yo oven to 350. Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl. In a separate bowl whisk egg, almond milk, oil and vanilla until combined and add to dry. Mix until well incorporated, but don’t go crazy. This is a coffee cake, dammit.

Spread cake batter into a baking pan of your choice. This was approx 9xwhatever. As you can see it's an oval shaped odd dish, but she works. I also greased/floured this dish as I wasn't sure if the cake would stick. And it's better to be safe than yelling at burnt on ripped apart cake bits.

Spread cake batter into a baking pan of your choice. This was approx 9xwhatever. As you can see it’s an oval shaped odd dish, but she works. I also greased/floured this dish as I wasn’t sure if the cake would stick. And it’s better to be safe than yelling at burnt on ripped apart cake bits.


Add the pears. They were crazy sweet/ripe so I didn't add anything to them. They are perfect as is. Don't mess.

Add the pears. They were crazy sweet/ripe so I didn’t add anything to them. They are perfect as is. Don’t mess.


Top liberally with crumble mixture. I didn't use all that the recipe made. The rest freezes well.

Top liberally with crumble mixture. I didn’t use all that the recipe made. The rest freezes well.


Bake in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown and a toothpick inserted comes out clean.


Let it cool a bit. It’s wonderful warm but right out of the oven the pears are lava hot and dangerous. This is a lesson I tend to learn often.


Enjoy! I hope you like my recipes/random whatever and I look forward to posting more.